Tiara & Tempest Read online

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  “Tanith Orenda believes that there is a connection, and so does Victoria. I can’t see any meaning to it, either, but maybe you can discover the meaning. Just spend some time thinking about all of it. Be creative,” Halina said.

  “Maybe I’m looking at too much. Or, maybe, not enough. Is there more?” Taesa asked.

  “Of course, and this one is even more puzzling,” Halina said.

  Taesa followed her and they approached a tall building with a dome at the top. The building went two hundred twenty (220) feet up toward the ceiling of the cavern. As they got closer, Taesa could see the building was octagonal, and that there was a gap between its walls and the ground. Looking more closely, she could see stairs leading downward.

  “Let’s go down to the bottom. I want to show you something there,” Halina said. She then went to the top of the stairs at the side of the tall building that led down into the bottom of the pit in which the building stood. The octagonal building was actually four hundred forty (440) feet tall, but half of its height was below the ground and in this pit.

  “What is down there?” Taesa asked as they were descending the stairs.

  “A riddle,” Halina answered.

  “This whole city is one big riddle,” Taesa said.

  “Have a look at this one,” Halina said.

  At the bottom the stairs, they saw a large closed door on the side of the towering building. On the wall near it there was an inscription. “Read this,” Halina said, pointing to it.

  Taesa read the inscription aloud:

  Below the largest one they burn.

  Twice more they count and slowly turn.

  Thrice below find cooler fire.

  Thrice again see the monarch spire.

  Twice thrice more a chill arrives.

  Seven more have wild lives.

  Five more are like the burning sands.

  Twice thrice more faintly warming all lands.

  Light the flames of all but one.

  Whose darkness makes the light of none.

  Yet count the dark among the light,

  To number every day and night.

  “There’s a lot of opposition in that riddle. Fire and chill, light and dark, day and night,” Taesa asked.

  “Yes, and numbering. Something is being counted,” Halina said.

  “It’s counting many different things. The fire and sand could be from the hot deserts in places like Volaraden. I grew up in Meridianus – there, it’s chilly and crops didn’t grow as well,” Taesa said.

  “All the numbers may add up to something. That could be important,” Halina said.

  “I’m not so sure of that. Numbers can only be added when they’re counting the same things. Five (5) grains of sand and ten (10) flames don’t add up to fifteen (15) of anything,” Taesa said.

  “The wording of it makes me think it’s trying to add up to a number,” Halina said.

  “Look at the part with the spire – that’s something totally different. It just can’t be added in to the other things, like sand or fire,” Taesa said.

  “Alright. I think I see your point. A spire is a tower – it could be this one,” Halina said. She didn’t know, and was only guessing, and trying to get Taesa to think about it.

  “A monarch spire – that probably means a tower belonging to a king, or a queen. Was there a king or queen of this city?” Taesa said.

  “I don’t know its history. All I have are questions about what’s here. That’s all that anyone seems to have,” Halina said.

  “The riddle might not even have a useful meaning – it could just be another work of art – a form of poetry, or the lyrics to an old song. Riddles have been used to entertain for ages,” Taesa said.

  “You studied art in Emeth?” Halina asked, doubting that the girl knew what she was talking about this time.

  “Yes. This entire city may just be an enormous work of art. The colossal statues, the fountains, the pyramids, the glowing torches, this building and the riddle – all of that make no sense in the way they are here. When nothing makes sense, sometimes that makes perfect sense to an artist,” Taesa said.

  “I find that a little too hard to believe,” Halina said.

  “Sometimes, that’s what artists want to make – to challenge our thinking and our beliefs, by combining together things that are unrelated, different from the usual, and even incomplete,” Taesa said.

  “Usually, when things don’t make sense, it’s because something is being hidden, not because it was purposely meaningless. Too much work went into making these structures to just have them mean nothing,” Halina said.

  “What do you know about the making of the city? Who were the builders?” Taesa asked.

  “I have no idea. They never told me,” Halina said.

  “Then it’s hard to be sure how much work went into it. Someone could have had a machine that built all of this, very quickly,” Taesa said, thinking back to the machine that Octavian and Cassius had that built the castles.

  “That’s a frightening thought – a machine like that would be immensely powerful, and therefore, extremely dangerous. It’s also an outlandish thought,” Halina said.

  “I’ve seen some extraordinary and outlandish things. However, even I admit that it is a stretch. I have no idea what any of this means. It might be something that was meant to be complete, but the builder died before finishing it,” Taesa said.

  “That’s quite a bit more believable. But I have a better theory: this city has secrets, and something is being hidden here. I was told to bring you here to learn, but this place isn’t like Emeth, with writings carved everywhere into stone. It’s more of a strange puzzle – concealing something deliberately – than it is any sort of library meant for anyone to easily study in,” Halina said.

  “I’ve read a lot in Emeth and I’ve seen a lot in the world. There are some secrets – some terrible ones – buried deep. There are also some extremely complex things that take a long while to figure out, but not because they’re being kept secret,” Taesa said.

  “Victoria knows that you’re clever. She wants you to figure it out,” Halina said.

  “That’s going to take some time…a lot of time,” Taesa said.

  “Take the time. Look at it your way. Maybe you’ll see something in this place that no one else ever did,” Halina said.

  CHAPTER 12: Assaulted by the Waves of Water

  Tanith Orenda was in the Master’s Room of the water-worshipper’s temple, kneeling and meditating. She heard the voice of the demon, Matatirot, speak to her, saying: “The time is now to bring the end. Place the crown upon Victoria’s head. The waves of water it shall send. The enemy in great numbers shall soon be dead.”

  “Where shall she begin, master?” Tanith Orenda asked.

  “In the Trerada Ocean which gives appearance fair, the waves of water shall strike and shall scare. In the same ocean which grants enduring health, the tempest shall deprive them of their lives and their wealth,” Matatirot said.

  “As you command, master,” Tanith Orenda said. At this, Tanith Orenda rose to her feet and made her way to the Great Granddaughter’s Room.


  Victoria saw the old woman enter the room and awaited her words.

  “The time is now, many thousands great granddaughter. Follow me,” Tanith Orenda said.

  Together, they went to the Crown Room, where the tiara was kept on a stone pedestal. Its thirteen (13) blue diamonds glowed very brightly, almost as bright as the amethyst.

  “It’s so bright that it burns my eyes to look at it, like the amethyst,” Victoria said.

  “It is because the tiara’s power has grown far stronger. Wear it, now,” Tanith Orenda said.

  Victoria took the tiara and put it on. It had a firm grip on her forehead and temple. Its form was that of a headband, with an even shape that was not at all ornate in the way that some traditional princess tiaras were. The blue diamonds were placed evenly around it, centered vertically on the band, which w
as two (2) inches from top to bottom and the blue diamonds were one and seven eighths (1 7/8) inches from top to bottom. The band itself was one inch thick from inside to out.

  The diamonds glowed even brighter when she wore it. The old woman was not bothered by seeing this, however. “The blue diamonds are even brighter now. You wield this great power,” Tanith Orenda said.

  Victoria was dressed in long robes that were a mix of blue, matching the blue diamonds of the tiara, and a deep red – the color of blood.

  “What are your instructions, many thousands great grandmother?” Victoria asked.

  “You are to command the waters of the Trerada Ocean. The world calls these ‘Beautiful Waters’ and the ‘Wellness Waters’. Yet, by the powers wielded through you, they will be turned to become the ‘Hideous Waters’ and the ‘Decay Waters’,” Tanith Orenda said.

  “I am ready,” Victoria said.

  At this, they went to the Scout’s Room and Tanith Orenda ordered the many servants waiting there, saying: “The time for our voyage is at hand. Victoria is to be attended and served by you. Send thirteen (13) archers, thirteen (13) dark scouts and thirteen (13) swordfighters and thirteen (13) light scouts. These will defend her with their very lives, and guide her. Send two (2) navigators. These will guide and steer the ship when needed.”

  The many servants gathered together and took fresh vials of the appropriate ocean waters: Ikkith Tar waters for the dark scouts to hide in the shadows; Lujladia waters for both the archers and the light scouts, to bend light and see long distances, which enabled spying and striking at targets; Nabavodel waters for the swordfighters to have strength and speed; and Atrejan waters for the navigators to follow the stars. There was an extra dark scout, directly accompanying Tanith Orenda.

  These servants followed the old woman and Victoria. The dark scouts drank deep of the waters of the Ikkith Tar Ocean from their vials and provided their cover of darkness immediately, so that when they left the temple, they would not be seen.

  They traveled to a hidden inlet on the island and there was a large ship waiting for them. The thick forest around them protected them from prying eyes.

  Upon arriving at the inlet, the scouts eased their powers of darkness.

  “This is the new ship that I have prepared for you to take. It is the Tidal Sovereign, and shall carry you on your many voyages, through every battle,” Tanith Orenda said.

  Victoria looked at the ship and noticed that the sails had strange swirling markings that shimmered in the light. “What are those strange symbols and markings on the sails?” Victoria asked.

  “They are designed to confuse the eyes of the onlooker, and distract them,” Tanith Orenda said.

  The ship was ninety-one (91) feet in length with six (6) pairs of pivoted main masts, each sixty-five (65) feet in height. There were twenty-six (26) cannons on the ship, alternately on the left and right sides of the ship.

  “You will find that the ship is well-armed, to keep enemies at a distance. Now, board the ship and take your positions,” Tanith Orenda said.

  When Victoria and the servants – except for the one dark scout that accompanied the old woman – boarded the ship, Tanith Orenda gave her orders, saying to them: “It is time to rule the world again! Be on your way!”


  The demon, Matatirot, sensed their presence in the Tidal Sovereign upon the waters of the Ikkith Tar Ocean. He opened up a portal and transported the ship to the Trerada Ocean, where it suddenly appeared.

  Victoria stood on the deck of the ship. The navigators and the dark scouts stood next to her, and the swordfighters and archers were waiting by the cannons. The light scouts stood in various places to have the clearest view of distant shores. They all drank of their respective waters to be fully energized for service. All except for Victoria, that is, who was under instructions to never take a waterbinding to any of the oceans.

  Suddenly, a voice from nowhere could be heard, by Victoria and by all of those standing around her.

  The voice was that of the demon, Matatirot, saying: “Queen of the ocean, reach out your hands, let the waters rise, and flood the lands! Turn beauty to horror, make the healthy ill, turn the living to dead, make the waters kill!”


  Hidden nearby in the darkness was a small scout ship from one of the fleets of the Ihalik Empire’s navy, serving under Lavakara. The ship was operating in airship formation, hovering just above the waters. Several dark scouts – all drinkers of the waters of the Ikkith Tar Ocean – were fully energized by those same waters. With this power, they generated an aura of darkness and surrounded the twenty-three (23) foot long ship in the aura.

  When they saw the sudden appearance of the Tidal Sovereign, they suspected that it was the awaited enemy, and waved a small rod back and forth according to a secret code. The rod was tipped with one of the red crystals supplied to the empire by the man called Brynmor, and the crystal emitted a signal, which traveled across the ocean instantaneously, such that it could be seen in the palace.


  On the continent of Ihalik, one of the light scouts serving in the palace saw the signal and read the coded message. The light scout approached Lavakara and said: “Supreme Commander Lavakara, the scout ship in region one hundred thirty-seven (137) has reported a sighting – the sudden appearance of another ship, previously unseen, not likely cloaked in darkness.”

  “It is the Ahitan woman. Ready and dispatch thirty (30) ships, immediately, to that location. I will personally attend to this,” Lavakara said.

  The Chronicler, Judith, was present with him, and recorded this report in her book. “Under the authority of the Oath, I will travel with you,” Judith said.

  “So be it. Move quickly. The world can’t afford to wait,” Lavakara said, not even looking back to speak to her face, but moving with urgency.

  Judith drank anew of the waters of the Ursegan Ocean that enabled her to slow time around her. This gave her both her long life – one thousand two hundred forty-two (1242) years so far, while still appearing as an attractive woman of little over forty (40) years – and her quick sight, to record all things around her, even if they moved at great speed.

  Lavakara exited the palace and made his way to one of his own smaller and faster ships: the Scythesail was a mere seventy-one (71) feet in length, and docked on dry land nearby. Judith boarded with him, along with one hundred seventy-two (172) of his troops, in a group that consisted of seventy (70) archers, thirty (30) sword fighters, thirty (30) dark scouts, thirty (30) light scouts, ten (10) telepaths and two (2) navigators.

  “Darkness, now!” Lavakara ordered.

  The dark scouts drank the water of the Ikkith Tar Ocean from their vials and were energized. They each generated an aura of darkness, and joined these into a large cloak of darkness around the entire ship.

  “Airship, now!” Lavakara ordered.

  The three (3) pairs of main masts – each forty-four (44) feet in height – pivoted to the sides of the ship and became sailwings for air travel. The ship then rose from the ground to one hundred twenty (120) feet in altitude.

  “Region one hundred thirty seven (137)…immediately!” Lavakara said.

  The light scouts drank the waters of the Lujladia Ocean they kept in their vials. They were energized, and could see long distances, even through the cloak of darkness.

  The navigators drank the waters of the Atrejan Ocean they kept in their own vials. They were energized, and could sense the positions and movements of the stars.

  By the guidance of star and light, the light scouts and navigators were able to steer the Scythesail through the air, above the continent of Ihalik, while heading eastward toward the indicated region of the Trerada Ocean.


  On board the Tidal Sovereign, Victoria held up her hands, and the thirteen (13) blue diamonds in the tiara glowed more brightly still.

  The essential powers of the waters of the Trerada Ocean were channeled by the tiara, and imbued Victoria
with all of its gifts.

  The first visible change was in Victoria herself. Everyone around her saw that Victoria was transforming from an attractive woman into a voluptuous beauty who exceeded anything they had ever imagined a mortal woman could be. She exuded transcendent feminine beauty. The servants could all see that men would trade their very souls and die to taste of her flesh just once, and women would die to look like her for just one hour so as to lure men.

  The next visible changes were in the air and the ocean.

  The still air gave way to a breeze, and then to a strong wind and then to a dangerous gale. Distant waters rose hundreds of feet in height, then over a thousand (1000) feet in height, and great destructive waves struck many ships at sea and the shores of the lands bordering the Trerada Ocean.

  These lands were the continents of Ihalik and Meridianus. They also included the connecting land bridges.

  One of these affected land bridges was known as “The Farmer’s Road,” which extended from northern Meridianus, curving northwest up to the land bridge of Emeth.

  Another of these affected land bridges was known as “Admiral Ramalaxis Bridge,” which extended from northwestern Meridianus to southeastern Ihalik.

  A third affected land bridge was known as “The Glivoran Trail,” which extended from eastern Ihalik to southeastern Revod, meeting with the land bridge known as Emeth along the way.

  When the waves hit, they began by killing hundreds (100) of people at first, then thousands (1000), then tens of thousands (10000). Then, hundreds of thousands (100000) of people were killed. Much of the death was due to the people living and working along the coasts, including those on ships in the sea ports and those in fishing boats off of the coasts.


  The City of Emeth, which stood on the land bridge of the same name, however, was not struck, even though the waters beat at its shores. The raging waters were seen by many there, who were filled with fear of the tempest.